Object Data Models


  • gcId a unique user identifier (string)
  • name user's name (string)
  • email user's email (string)
  • avatar url to user's profile avatar (url)
  • titleEn user's English position title (string)
  • titleFr user's French position title (string)
  • mobilePhone mobile phone number (string)
  • officePhone office phone number (string)
  • address user's work address (address object)
  • team team object the user is associated to. This object is used to find the user's current supervisor and organization (team object)
  • ownerOfTeams array of team objects that have this user as its owner. This object is used to find the user's employees (team object array)
  • outstandingApprovals array of approval objects that require the user's approval or rejection (approval object array)
  • submittedApprovals array of approval objects that have been submitted by the user (approval object array)
  • role - enum that can be either User or Admin to check if user is an admin or not (enum)


  • id unique address object identifier (int)
  • streetAddress (string)
  • city (string)
  • province (string)
  • postalCode (string)
  • country (string)


  • id unique organizational tier object identifier (int)
  • nameEn English name of team (string)
  • nameFr French name of team (string)
  • descriptionEn English description of team (string)
  • descriptionFr French description of team (string)
  • colour custom colour for team (string)
  • avatar optional avatar for team (string)
  • organization top level organization object (organization object)
  • owner profile object of the user who is listed as the owner of this team (user object)
  • members array of user objects who are associated with this org tier (user object array)


  • id unique organization object identifier (int)
  • nameEn English name of organization (string)
  • nameFr French name of organization (string)
  • acronymEn English acronym of the organization (string)
  • acronymFr French acronym of the organization (string)
  • teams array of teams that are associated with this organization (team array)
  • orgType type of organisation (Federal, Provincial, Municipal, University, College, Other) (enum)


Approval Object

  • id unique approval object identifier (int)
  • gcIDApprover profile object of the user who is listed as being able to approve or deny this request (profile object)
  • gcIDSubmitter profile object of the user who has submitted the approval request (profile object)
  • requestedChange requested change object that contains the requested changes for approval (requestedChange object)
  • createdOn timestamp in unix time of creation date of approval (string)
  • actionedOn timestamp of the last modification of the approval in unix time (string)
  • deniedComment message to submitter if the request is denied by the approver (string)
  • status enum that can be either Pending, Approved, or Denied to describe the state of the approval (enum)
  • changeType enum that can be either Membership or Informational to describe the nature of the change being requested (enum)

Requested Change Object

  • id *unique requestedChange object identifier(int)
  • name user's name (string)
  • email user's email (string)
  • avatar url to user's profile avatar (url)
  • titleEn user's English position title (string)
  • titleFr user's French position title (string)
  • mobilePhone mobile phone number (string)
  • officePhone office phone number (string)
  • address user's work address (address object)
  • team team object the user would like to be associated to (team object)