Error Codes
Here are error codes you may encounter. If you are encountering other errors please refer to the apollo docs.
Error Code | Description |
E1ProfileNotExist | Profile does not exist |
E2TeamNotExist | Team does not exist |
E3OrgNotExist | Organization does not exist |
E4ApprovalNotExist | Approval does not exist |
E6NotAuthorized | Not authorized |
E7CircularRelationship | Selected supervisor would create a circular reporting relationship |
E8TokenProfileNotExist | Profile does not exist |
E9MustBeAuthenticated | Must be authenticaticated |
E10MustBeOwnerOrSupervisor | Must be owner or supervisor of profile to modify |
E11MustBeTeamOwner | Must be owner of team to modify |
E12ApprovalOnlyRevokedBySubmitter | Approvals can only be revoked by the submitter |
E13MustBeSupervisorInfo | Must be supervisor of user to modify informational approval |
E14MustBeSupervisorTransfer | Must be supervisor of the team to accept transfer request |
E15MustBeApprover | Must be approver on approval to modify |
E16AddressFieldMissing | All address fields are required |