Error Codes

Here are error codes you may encounter. If you are encountering other errors please refer to the apollo docs.

Error CodeDescription
E1ProfileNotExistProfile does not exist
E2TeamNotExistTeam does not exist
E3OrgNotExistOrganization does not exist
E4ApprovalNotExistApproval does not exist
E6NotAuthorizedNot authorized
E7CircularRelationshipSelected supervisor would create a circular reporting relationship
E8TokenProfileNotExistProfile does not exist
E9MustBeAuthenticatedMust be authenticaticated
E10MustBeOwnerOrSupervisorMust be owner or supervisor of profile to modify
E11MustBeTeamOwnerMust be owner of team to modify
E12ApprovalOnlyRevokedBySubmitterApprovals can only be revoked by the submitter
E13MustBeSupervisorInfoMust be supervisor of user to modify informational approval
E14MustBeSupervisorTransferMust be supervisor of the team to accept transfer request
E15MustBeApproverMust be approver on approval to modify
E16AddressFieldMissingAll address fields are required